Saturday, February 9, 2013

A little bitter

Okay, it's been about 5 hours since my ankle rolling episode and I'm starting to think I probably hurt it worse than I originally thought. Which makes me very grumpy when I think that I might not be able to run this coming week. I.AM.NOT.HAPPY!!
So everyone beware!

Injured Runner’s Creed

1. I will not punch, hit, slap, or otherwise injure people I see running because I am jealous of them.

2. I will sit with my ice pack and actually rest.

3. I will not substitute whole grains, veggies and healthy proteins with Cheetos and Margaritas just because I cannot run right now.

4. I will find something – anything- that I can do that makes me feel athletic (swimming, water running, walking/hobbling, lifting weights), so that I will not turn into a complete bitch.

5. I will not become so consumed by the fact that I cannot run that I lose all perspective. I will remember the things that are going right in my life, like that my heart is beating and my husband cleaned up the dog’s poop and my kids are not screaming for five minutes, and I will focus on those things.

6. I will not hole up in my house (with Cheetos and Margarita) and isolate myself. I will reach out to people who care about me and let them support me. I will try not to be a snotty a-hole.

7. I will try as hard as I can to laugh at myself and to keep my sense of humor. Maybe I will watch some Real Housewives, put someone’s hand in warm water while they are sleeping, or read this story. Whatever it takes.

8. I will remain optimistic because I know that this condition is temporary and I will run again.

9. I will stop reading blogs where all of the healthy, invincible 18 year olds are running 10 marathons a month and complaining only about a single blister on their pinkie toe. It’s not that I don’t admire them or think they’re amazing, it’s just that right now they make me feel like crap.

10. I will do one thing every day that I love to do. This will show me that I love things other than running.


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