I don't know about you but at our house summer wrecks havoc on just about everything. Our schedules are all out of whack, we are constantly busy and going here or there or there or there...and it just seems like there is never enough time to get anything done. And because of this, the house tends to be messier than usual!!
As I was perusing Pinterest the other day I saw something that caught my eye. I was trying to find a good cleaning schedule {Since I do MUCH BETTER when I have it all mapped out as to what I need to do and when} and I saw a Pin for "14 Weeks to an Organized Home". My first thought was, uh, Yeah Right. But when I looked more into I found that this is something that I could actually do and it wouldn't be overwhelming!!
So...Here it is, Week 1, and I am READY to Tackle the Kitchen!! If anyone of you have ever been to my house then you will know that the kitchen it the heart of our house. We spend a ton of time there and yes, the boys tend to mess up the cabinets, pantry, fridge, etc. And I am guilty of having a junk drawer {or 5} that I throw things in to when I am in a rush to tidy before company. Who knows what I'll find in the cleaning and organizing process.
I will be sure to take pictures along the way. Feel free to join me!!
Happy Organizing!